pawn shops have a straight forward process

Pawn King: Your Guide to Pawning or Selling Your Valuables

Robert Fulghum, 1990 shared his wisdom in his book All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. Part of the wisdom he shared was, “play fair, clean up your mess, don’t take things that aren’t yours, work every day some, don’t take things that aren’t yours, and cookies and cold milk are good for you.” Little did Fughum know his wisdom could be applied to you understanding the things to pawn. 

The things you learned will help you understand how to approach a pawn shop when you need quick cash and how to use a pawn shop effectively to get quick cash when needed.

Think back to your time in the kindergarten classroom. One of the first things you learned was learning is fun.

1. Learning is Fun when it comes to pawn shops

You are driving down Barnum Ave. in Stratford, CT, and you see the sign for Pawn King. You are curious and want to know more about pawn shops, look at their old stuff, and maybe even find a good deal on something with a high resale value if you save it for a while.

Heck, why not? You go into the pawn shop, and you are taken back by all the things, old video games, sports equipment, musical instruments, digital cameras, even a diamond ring. You walk through the store and see all of the items in the various cases like “play lots” in kindergarten. You want to see some of the things and get the details on how they came up for sale.

The pawnbroker is helpful as he pulls out gold and silver jewelry, some of the power tools, and even a few designer handbags. You are amazed at the price tags knowing that the prices are less money than what the things would be sold online or in a big box store.

The pawnbroker explains that some items came in like things to pawn, and others were items they bought outright from the seller. He explained that pawn loans are collateral loans, and the loan amount depends on the item’s appraised value. If the pawnshop loan goes into default, then the same things brought in to secure the loan are forfeited and go up for sale.

He explained that sometimes people want quick cash, bringing in gold and silver jewelry, scrap gold, smart devices, yard equipment, and other items to sell. You learned that Pawn King considers each valuable item brought in.

This learning was fun!

pawn shops have a straight forward process

2. Learning is not a straight line in a pawn shop; take and explore ‘scenic routes’

You remember how curious you were as a child and felt that same excitement today as you walked through all of the isles of the pawn shops at Pawn Kings. You had so many questions, and this was indeed a spontaneous trip and learning opportunity.

You saw some high-end sports equipment and wondered why anyone would even think of selling it. You asked the pawnbroker about the details and story behind the equipment. He shared he couldn’t give exact details because of confidentiality, and it always gets a bit tricky, but he could share it was part of an estate. The person who brought it in didn’t hold any attachment or sentimental value for the items and just wanted to get money fast so they could help pay for funeral costs.

You had never considered how helpful pawn shops could be in an emergency. You asked if people bring things to them looking for extra cash for an unexpected situation. He assured that a decent amount of money is given out to help people get through to the next payday or pay for an unexpected expense.

He said that if someone has poor credit, it is hard for them to get a personal loan, and pawn loans don’t require credit checks, and when the customer comes into the store in person, they leave with cash in hand.

Your scenic route through Pawn King was teaching you a lot.

3. It’s alright to be wrong – mistakes are good

Sadly, much energy is wasted trying to be flawless. Sometimes life gets in the way, and we all have to have some assistance. Pawn King is a safe place to take in your things to pawn for a quick cash loan without worrying about confidentiality, judgment, or being just “another” person.

Pawn King prides itself on working with all of them to get them the money or things they need. Things you can pawn are cars, name-brand tools, gold, silver, other precious metals, sporting equipment, a riding lawn mower, golf clubs, and just about anything of value.

Sometimes people judge themselves or others for going to a pawn shop. Kindergarten taught us not to judge; being wrong is okay, and mistakes only help us grow. If you mistakenly judged another for buying things or pawning things at a pawn shop, you now know that all economic classes of people use pawn shops.

Sometimes pawn shops have high-demand pawn items for sale, ones you can’t find somewhere else for a good price. Why pay good money for high-value items when you can find the same item as a Rolex at a pawn shop for a fraction of the cost?

Learning how pawn shops are financial institutions in their communities and provide services that other banking institutions and financial institutions don’t is important to know, so if you need cash, you have options.

Pawn King Logo

4. The process is more important than the answer

Do you have valuable items in your garage, on a shelf, or in a closet? Do you need to declutter, but you don’t want to give the extra stuff away? Commonly pawned items are gold jewelry, silver, bullion, golf clubs, gaming systems, camping gear, workout equipment, designer handbags, game consoles, scrap gold, old stuff in estate sales, and digital cameras. Use your imagination as a child in kindergarten. A wild imagination that efficiently operates outside the box comes up with ideas on how to create new solutions, and taking things into a pawn broker may be the answer.

The process is super easy. If you need to pawn for cash, you can get cash quickly by providing a state-issued ID and having the pawnbroker get a fair market price on the items. Then an offer is made, and the interest rates are explained. You then have enough information to decide to either sell your items outright to the pawnshop or obtain a collateral loan.

5. Pawn shops don’t impose their agenda – they reveal the value of treasures hidden in your stuff and help you pawn for quick cash or sell things outright for the most money

Most pawn shops have the same core values of helping their communities with financial options in challenging or urgent situations when getting the most cash is needed. Pawn shops stay in business by loaning money, assisting customers in getting fast cash, and selling items. They also have an interest rate set up with the idea that a pawn loan is short-term and not meant to be in place for a long time.

Different pawn shops charge different interest rates, and state and federal laws govern their business models. Local pawn shops like Pawn King have been in business a long time and understand the industry and how to get you more money fast.

Pawn King understands the best things to pawn and what pawn shops buy. They know how to get you more cash for high-demand items. Pawn King encourages everyone to visit their shop in Stratford, CT, on Barnum Ave., and take the scenic route through their pawnshop while learning what pawn shops do and what is available. The process at Pawn King is simple and easy, so you don’t make mistakes, but if you do, they will help you along the way.

Pawn King is the best local pawnshops that care about its community.

Pawn King wants to meet you in person and start teaching you about their services, so you will keep coming back and having fun!